Sunday, February 15, 2009

Is Baby Q2 a Boy or Girl?

We could find out next Friday....

With Owen, we didn't find out if we were having a boy or a girl. We had multiple opportunities: the 20 week sonogram, the 4-D sonogram we had at 32 weeks, and the 3 - 5 sonograms we had at the tail end of the pregnancy when they were monitoring my amniotic fluid levels. Not once was I truly tempted to ask "is it a boy or a girl?". I was absolute in my resolve not to find out and to have that moment in the delivery when Daddy Q announced "Its a ____". In fact, I was neurotic about reminding each tech, multiple times, that we didn't want to, please don't do anything that might give us a clue. Fun times.
Daddy Q was convinced Owen was a boy...I thought for sure we were having a girl. And, in the moment when he was born, it truly was worth the wait. It was an awesome moment. The best part was that Daddy Q asked a couple minutes later "it is a boy, right" just to confirm he had made the announcement correctly.
So, because I LOVED the not knowing with Owen so much, why am I not so strong in my resolve "not to find out" this time? I really don't know. Maybe its because I know I am not doing the nursery until after Q2 is here? {Because of that, I don't feel like I am doing much to get ready for the new little one.} Maybe its because I am not so focused on the pregnancy this time as last and I think knowing would help me better connect with Q2? {Owen takes up most of my focus--its only at night, when I feel Q2 flutter that I take a few moments to bond with this baby}. Maybe it is so I can resolve my "do I put bunk beds in O's big boy room so that he and his little brother (?) can share a room" dilemma? {Obviously, if Q2 is a girl, they won't share a room}. I don't know. But, I do know, that I am really, really tempted to ask the tech next Friday...

"Is Baby Q2 a boy or a girl?"


Kristie said...

I'm right there with you on the bunk beds/sharing a room. Our only difference is that I AM going to find out whether Baby Nix 2 is a boy or a girl! For Cutter we had a "sex" party, we asked the tech to put the sex of the baby in an envelope and we invited our friends and family over to dinner and after dinner we opened the envelope to share the good news with others. It was exciting. We didn't know either, and I wasn't even tempted to look at the results that I had laying around for 3 days! Maybe you could do something like that, surprising but still knowing! Either way, I can't wait to find out if O is going to have a little brother or sister!

The Tenner Family said...

Oh girl! That's a hard one! What does the hubby think? You know, you could always have the sonographer write it down and put it in an envelope for y'all. And if you decided one day to know, then you could! But just knowing that envelope is oh-so-close in reach may be oh-too-tempting!!! Keep us posted! :)

The Tenner Family said...

OK, I am a moron. I just read the first comment. Nothing like being super redundant, right?? I should learn to read first! ha!

Elizabeth Simms said...

Don't do it!! I promise it is just as awesome the second time around. It took me a long time to bond with Katie when I was pregnant with here. I felt so guilty about having another one with B so young. Once I really started feeling her it was awesome all over again. You will have plenty of time after baby 2 is here to get bunk beds!!