Friday, March 27, 2009

Don't touch the hat, mam. cute is he? I know I'm his mama, so quite partial. But, seriously...this little guy is adorable!! Today he stayed with Miss Erin for ALOT of the day. First, so that I could go to the doc to see what my chest pains have been all about {turns out I might have a touch of asthma--go figure}, then so I could take newborn photos for the baby of a friend, and lastly, to help us get the car to the shop b/c the "check engine light" came on. Thank you for all of the favors today, Miss Erin. We owe you big time!!!

So, while we were in-between-Sarah-errands, I was hanging out at Erin and N's house with them. Owen "borrowed" N's hat--so cute!! He loved putting it on, saying "hi", and taking it back off. I guess I should get him some hats to play with!!

Thought I would share this too cute photo I snapped!
