Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Owen was late to wake up this morning. He went to bed last night at 6:45 PM and woke this morning at 8:30 AM. Wow!! It was a Gymboree day, so we had to rush to get out of the house. This is how Owen had his breakfast--bad Mama, I know--even worse is that it was crackers, fruit, and milk. But, we couldn't miss Gymboree!
Owen is in his last month of Level 3 classes. He is having a hard time staying interested in the activities. But, the *good* Mama that I try to be, I encourage him to try each thing at least once ;-)

Today was "social" skills. The kiddos had various activities to do together. This one--rolling balls around--was right up Owen's ally. He lasted at least 2 minutes *maybe 3* on this activity.

The next one Owen did, was ride in the "boat" with his new pal Cooper. Cooper's mom gathered some balls to keep these two interested. This one lasted about 2 minutes, as well. We were on a roll!
In every class, the roll this log. Owen prefers to do this on his own when the rest of the class is doing other things. He will get the log started, and then he jets off to something else. Here, the teacher is having to slow it down 'cause Owen is pushing it so fast. Too funny!
Now...this, my blog reading friends, is the activity that Owen returns to time and time again. This is the one thing at Gymboree that he will do over and over and over. AND, he does this for a good 10 - 15 minutes. Too bad it isn't ever part of the activities for the Level 3 kiddos....
He shoots!

He scores!!!

Here it is from up top!!

Owen is going to try Soccer Tots with some friends. Maybe that will be more his thing.
Have a good rest of the week! I am off to New York for my last business trip before my leave of absence!!