Friday, March 20, 2009

Where do you think he got is "social" gene?

Dinner Out with Owen....

Tonight, Owen, Grammie, and I went out to dinner with Paw Paw Mc to celebrate his birthday tomorrow. Apparently, the table NEXT to ours was a part of the celebration, too. When they would laugh at something funny at their table, Owen would crinkle his little eyes and laugh, too. When one of them stretched his arms out wide in a story, Owen handed him a french fry.

Out Shopping with Owen...

Whether Owen is IN the cart riding, or pushing the cart with me holding him {if you didn't get a visual of this--try again--it is a sight}, Owen talks to about 90% of the other customers. As they come toward us in an aisle, he says "Hi, Hi, Hi...etc." As soon as we begin to pass, he turns around and starts saying "Bye, bye, bye...etc." until he can't see them anymore. This gets a response and/or laugh from most fellow shoppers and ALWAYS from mom.

Our little guy really enjoys being around people...that's for sure. AND, we enjoy being around him. What a fun little guy!