Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hanna's Visit 2009

It's Hanna's spring break 2009, and she, her mom, and Aunt Lanie came to visit...yay! Remember this sweet girl from last year? Owen ADORED her this trip. He was so stinkin' excited to have a friend to play with first thing in the morning. This little dude performed his Beavis laugh, stomped his feet up and down, and danced for Hanna first thing Saturday morning...yippee! Friday night was our 2nd Annual Pizza Party!!

Yum Yum.

Saturday night was craft night...

I have been saving craft ideas for when my kids get older...I have my fingers triple-crossed that I can talk Owen into a craft every once in a while when he isn't kicking goals or shooting hoops. Anyway, I talked Hanna into crafting with me ;-)
We attempted this project...

Tara and Lanie went to the outlets, while Hanna and I went to Hobby Lobby. At the checkout stand, this was the convo:
Hanna {to the check out lady} - We are making these {shows her the page in the magazine}
H.L. Check Out Lady - Oooh...Pom Pom Pals....looks fun.
Me - {Piling supply after supply after supply, etc. on the counter}
Hanna - Do you think we over did it?
H.L. Check Out Lady - Smiling...I have seen a lot worse.

The line-up (directed by Miss Hanna)
Hanna: A Frog (she collects them) AND a Pumpkin
Hanna's Mom: A black cat with witch had
Hanna's Aunt: A crab
Me: An Elephant for Owen
Here is Owen plopping the fur ball that I was to transform into an elephant...the next plop was into the toilet...hmmm, wonder what he thinks of our crafts...this does not bode well for my future crafting with my son (sniff, sniff).

Hanna with our finished projects on display. Hanna's frog even got a pond, lily pad, and bugs to eat (yum, yum). Hard to see the black cat on my black with me here... We voted the crab -- most looks like it's inspiration.

We also watched 2 Hanna Movies: Open Season 2 (poor rabbits--have you seen how mean they are to the rabbits in this movie--what gives?) and Horton Hears a Who (I suggested this one -- dang, I need to grow up). We had a photo shoot with Miss Melanie. We visited American Girl and had lunch in the bistro. All in all, it was a very busy weekend and we had lots of fun!!!
Owen and I are already looking forward to Hanna's Spring Break 2010!!


Melanie Johnson said...

Thanks for sharing Hanna and Owen with me! I'll be posting your sneak peek in the next day or so!