Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lots of fun with Grammie and Paw Paw Mc

Owen always has so much fun with his Grammie and Paw Paw Mc! This past week was Spring Break. Grammie was off work for Thursday and Friday, so we headed to their house for a long weekend. Owen and Grammie got to spend a lot of time together and I got to get some work done and catch up on sleep!!

Grammie loves getting a photo in the bluebonnets. For as long as I can remember, she has had Ben and I out in those flowers for a photo op. Now that Owen is here, us grown kids get a break from having to pose in the sea of blue. Owen enjoyed the flowers and was fascinated by the one red one {an Indian Paint Brush} in the group!!

I think that the most exciting thing for Owen was getting to fly his first kite! Paw Paw Mc found an Elmo kite and it was waiting for Owen!!! Punkadoo kept holding on to the tail thinking he was helping ;-) It was so much fun to watch him watch Elmo!!! And, my lens that Grandpa Tex got me for Christmas (the extreme wide angle) came in handy. You can see Owen, Paw Paw Mc, Grammie {in the 2nd photo}, AND the cool!

Owen starting saying a bunch of new words while we where there.
  • Grammie and Mc blew lots of bubbles for Owen, and "bubbles" became a new word for him. "bub-oh"
  • The book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See? that he got from Great Aunt Dona is a fav and one we had with us...tonight he was saying "Brow Beah" or "Mama, Brow Beah" when he wants to read it.
  • Last night Owen was up from 3:45 - 5:30 AM practicing the word "pillow" comes out "piw-poh"....cute, even in the wee morning hours.
  • Another new word was "ous-ide" -- this one is complete with a gesture toward the door that lets you KNOW that this little guy wants to go outdoors!!
Other things that G.G., Great Aunt Dona, G.A. Julie, and Hunter can look forward to on their visit in a few weeks are:
  • Owen blowing you kisses..."mmumm-wah"
  • If your happy and you know it clap your hands...{Owen clap, claps}
  • The wheels on the bus...{Owen does his arms round and round}
  • Playing his fishing game....he is really, really good at this and concentrates on it with all his might.
Hope everyone had as good a weekend as we did!!!