Sunday, September 13, 2009

brotherly love, new hat, and dada's shoes.

this morning before church, the boys and i were waiting on daddy q (he had helped me get everyone ready and was last to get in the shower), and owen really wanted to hold "bay-bee." it was a good time to get a few pictures of the boys together....owen loves liam so much! and, liam is far more comfortable being near his brother now than he was when I was trying to get a birth announcement photo...maybe i should have waited ;-)

now that liam has grown into 3 -6 month clothes, he is able to wear a lot of owen's things. owen hit that size in the spring; liam is getting there in the fall. the weight of the clothes is just right, so as long as the color and theme is season appropriate...little man is in luck! he also raided owen's friend, parker's closet, lucky, lucky fellow! parker has some sweet duds!!! anyhow, the outfit Liam is wearing can also be seen here on baby owen . one day, i may do a "who wears it best" post ;-)i love these two handsome boys so very much! i hope that owen continues to love his brother, as much as he does now, when liam gets mobile and owen doesn't get to select the toys he shares with liam (right now, he happily hands over some he picks out for him...later, liam will have his own idea of what he wants (if he is anything like his big bro, that is))!

owen went to his friend, Caden's, 3rd birthday party on Sat. bummer was the rain...the party was at a farm and the kids were going to pet animals and ride ponies. But, they made the best of it, and owen came home with this cute hat!! we will add this to our dress up bin...should be lots of fun for him and me on these rainy days we are having.

owen slipped on daddy's shoes the other night. so funny! i absolutely love the way he is looking up in his dad in this photo. he adores his dada and you can see it on his face.