Tuesday, September 8, 2009

not much going on.

We are still working away on Liam and Owen's re-decorated rooms! I have spent every spare moment -- you know, the ones that occur in between changing diapers, drawing moons for Owen (he is obsessed with the moon right now), playing catch, feeding babies, rocking babies, and straightening the house -- working on their rooms. It isn't leaving much time for photos. But, here are a couple from the weekend that I managed to snap in between all of that other stuff!

My 10 week old baby boy, Liam. I cannot get over how quickly time is flying. I want it to slow down--he is so sweet, happy, and perfectly chubby at the moment! Just scrumptious.
While I was working in Liam's room, Owen was checking out his baby brother's things. I thought this was hilarious...Owen was really getting into reading this book of Liam's. It has different things for little hands to feel...Owen couldn't get close enough to the ball! Shanon...thanks for this baby gift--I do read it to Liam and get smiles when he feels the various textures; both boys LOVE it!

Sunday night, we attended a BBQ at Jim, Lara, and Austin's house. It was so much fun to get together and watch the kiddos play. Owen & Jackson played a real game of catch. It was so cute! The best part was when Owen had his hand back behind his back preparing for a big throw and Parker came up to him and took the ball. Owen didn't realize it and went to throw the ball to find there wasn't one there. It was really, really funny!

Ahhh...a crossing of the blogs. Here's Abby from Abby's Blog over there on the right! She is such a sweet girl. I loved her expression in this photo! Pursing her lips like she might be thinking she is just too darn cute to be messin' around with all of those boys playing catch in the backyard!! IEvery time Noble is around Liam he insists on holding him. He loves this little baby like he is his own little bro. I love all three of these boys so darn much!!!
Uh...and look at how big Liam is now!! He is half Owen's current weight. Unreal!