Wednesday, September 9, 2009

He "Nose" so much, it seems

Tonight at bedtime...

Liam: Wailing...
Mommy {Owen's NEW name for me this week}: Owen, honey, Liam is very upset tonight and needs mommy. So, I need you to be a big boy and go night, night on your own. Mommy loves you so much...*hugs and kisses*.
Owen: Bye, bye, mommy.

*** about 10 minutes pass and Liam is asleep, but I am still rocking him--making up for letting him cry while I put Owen to bed *** the house is very quiet ***
pitter, patter... Liam's bedroom door opens...

Owen: "Mommy?"
Mommy: "yes, honey."
Owen: "In bed?" -- this is how Owen asks me to lay with him in bed.

*** I go and lay with him ***

Owen's juice is on his bedside table. He picks it up to take a swig-- I notice there isn't much there.

Mommy: "Owen, would you like more juice?"
Owen looks at the cup, shakes it, looks at me, and says "More."
Mommy: "Okay, buddy. I'll get you more juice. You wait here in bed and I'll be right back, okay?"

*** he waits...seriously, I can't believe it...he is SO grown up***

Mommy: i hand him the juice and "Thank you so much, Owen, for waiting on mommy in your bed. you are such a big boy."

*** i am feeling all smug and proud now....can't believe how much this little guy understands and how grown up he seems all of a sudden. I mean, he has his juice on his nightstand and is just oh so grown up. When did this happen? ***

my smug thoughts are interrupted

Owen: "Mommy"
Mommy: "Yes"
Owen: his finger is coming toward my nose...he does this A LOT at bed time, points out my facial features and names them one by one. I think that he is about to start with my nose, he almost always starts there, and decide that I will play this game tonight because he has been so good....


what is he doing?

he did not do that.


uh, yup, he did...his little finger is UP MY NOSE and he is giggling like crazy.


its a quick trip down to earth as i am reminded that he is not all that grown up after all.

He is still, in fact, my silly, rambunctious, up-to-know-good 20-month old Owen!

Love him and smile to myself hoping and praying that he doesn't grow up too fast!! are brought to you from Owen at 8 months old -- September 8, 2008.