Thursday, September 10, 2009

Brother's Day Out

Today was a school day for Owen. When he was eating his breakfast, I asked him if he was excited to go to school today. He didn't disagree {not sure if I have ever blogged about this--but, Owen doesn't answer in the affirmative...he just doesn't say "no" if he agrees with something you say. Why? I don't know. I know he understands what he should say. I think he is just being stubborn ;-) } ...anyway, he didn't disagree, which I took to mean that, yes, he is excited to go.

When it was time to leave, I asked him to grab his backpack and head toward the car. He did just that. But, he did take a few moments to pose for a picture for his mama!

he was all smiles until he asked me, mid-photo shoot, if he could take his ball to school (""). This was his reaction... I mild version of the thunder cloud face.

While Owen is at school, Liam and I get to enjoy some 1:1 time. Well...Liam actually gets 1:4 time for the first hour and a half or so since we start off by walking 4 or 5 miles with Erin, Lara, and Lori. Then....Liam gets 1:1 time ;-) Liam enjoys the walks or I might thing twice about cutting into his solo time with mama. After the walk, and a quick run to Target, Liam and I played for an hour and a half. It was so nice to get that uninterrupted time with him. He is such a smiley little man! I love to watch him play and hear him "talk." Here is a short clip of the sweet Liam in action. No Fussy Fred here!

It rained this evening. After dinner, I was cleaning up the kitchen while Owen was begging me to go outside. I kept saying "no". Then, I thought, "why not?"

So...we ventured outdoors and splish splashed in the puddles, opened our mouths to catch the rain, and just had a grand ole time.

Owen would errupt in giggles when I jumped in the water and made a big splash. So...I did that a lot.

I love it when my boys giggle.


The Rausch Family said...

I love the video! His cheeks are yummy!