Friday, August 14, 2009

guess who slept through the night last night...

he slept from 10:30PM 'til 6:00AM ... what a big boy!!!


Kristie said...

How in the world do you find time to post a blogpost!?! Congrats on Liam sleeping through the night, I hope it continues. Little Liam is so cute and growing so fast! We need to get together soon!

The Rausch Family said...

Can you please tell me how in the world you got that to happen??!!!! I NEED to know! By the way, I love that b&w photo of Liam on his tummy!

The Rausch Family said...

Oh, and I need details, like when did he eat, where he slept and in what position? Can you tell I'm desperate for Rider to sleep longer than 2 hours?!!