Saturday, August 29, 2009

we don't cry over spilled milk....

Owen starts Mother's Day Out next Tuesday. He will attend class from 9-2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. His friends, Parker, Emma, and Skylar, are in his class. And, Noble is right next door. Today, was meet the teacher. It took a while for Owen to warm up...he is having some serious Mama Q Attachment these days...cried tonight when Daddy Q tried to take him into the backyard to play while I ate dinner...I had to go, too. Anyhow, his teacher, Miss Marina, was so tender and caring with him and was able to get him to interact with her after a bit of hanging around near him and trying to engage him ever so often. She seems so GREAT! Just the right kind of loving, kind, teacher for my firstborn!

Liam is really starting to focus on toys and try with all of his might to move them! This elephant has been in his sights for a week or so ;-) Today, was his first interaction with the balls that his brother loves so dearly! Owen gave him a round ball to "play" with when Liam was on his play mat today...Liam looked at it and eventually got his little hand over to it and hit it. Owen thought he was rolling it to him and rolled it back. This continued a couple of cute! It was their first time to "play" together ;-)

There has been talk around our house of going to England so that Chips (or Chippy--she hasn't decided ;-) can meet Liam and visit with Owen. So....I am getting Liam ready to jet-set in case it happens {and, I hope it does--would be fun to make a trip over there with the boys before winter}. Chips, just say the word and these boys are on a plane to see you!! See, Liam even had his passport photos taken (by me!)!!
Daddy Q and I are filing the passport application today...he'll be ready to go in just 2 weeks or so!!!
And, last, Owen has been drinking out of a "big boy cup" at dinnertime {and sometimes at breakfast, or lunch, or snack--he asks for it a lot}.
He is really good at it!!
But, sometimes he loses control over the cup... like tonight...

but, that's okay. we don't cry over spilled milk in this house. we just learn a lesson from it {honey, when you tip your glass over all of the milk comes out of it and you don't have it to drink anymore so you will get very, very thirsty if you do that all of the time}, clean it up and move on. ;-)
have a good saturday! i am off to walk 13 miles with the Mommas for Mammos (my 3Day team)!


Rob and Leah said...

The passport pictures are funny! Good luck with MDO. Hope it goes well. Evan starts on Sept 10th. I'm nervous!