Monday, August 31, 2009

Liam is two months, Papa has a birthday, and Owen is...well, just Owen.

Liam David turned 2 months old on Saturday!!!! He had his 2-month well visit today; and, we confirmed that this little boy has been growing. He weighed in at 12 pounds 6 ounces and is 23 inches long (exactly what Daddy Q and I guessed for his passport application on Saturday)! He is in the 49th percentile for height and 62nd for weight...yes, he is a little round ;-)

Liam is an emotional baby. I don't know any other way to put it. When he is mad...this boy is madder than a hornet. He lets you know that he is angry, angry, angry. But, when he is happy, he gives the biggest grin and will get to talking and cooing like we are having a real conversation. He will look me right in the eye and just about break out into a giggle. It is the darnedest thing how he can go from happy to mad and back to happy. But, man, those giggles and smiles sure do make this mama happy!
Little man is sleeping through the night for the last few nights. He must really be working on making this mama happy! I guess he figured out I appreciate my sleep ;-) He is up a lot during the day...more than I would ever guessed a newborn could be. He tends to take about 3 30-45 minute naps these days. Wow...entertaining a moody 2-month old does keep me busy!! But, Owen and I find things to do with him and it works. Dr. K says that this is just fine and is his normal. So....we will just go with the flow.
Sunday was Papa's birthday! The boys and I drove to Canton to meet Papa and Uncle Ben for a celebratory lunch! I had to wake Owen from his nap to come into the, he wasn't really in the mood to be social...much less to pose (and smile) for a, here is Liam with his Papa...
...then, we bribed Owen with a Nilla Wafer and scooted him on in....

...too bad we didn't wait to do pictures AFTER lunch. Owen became Papa's BFF over lunch...Papa's cheese enchiladas looked way yummier to Owen than his puffy taco and rice. So...Owen just helped himself to Papa's plate...
after lunch, Uncle Ben made Owen an ice cream cone, complete with a DQ swirl on top! That's another way to become BFF's with Owen, apparently!

The other day, I was looking through the blog to get a feel for what Owen was up to at 2 months old. While reading, I ran across this photo of Owen just after his shots at his 2 month check up.
So, I took a similar one of Liam...just so we can see if these two still look like twins.

Brothers...for sure. Does Liam look like a mini Owen? Not to me. I think their heads are shaped differently, they have different noses, and different lips. And...the definitely have different bodies...Liam is a lot less "thick" than his brother ;-)

This evening, at Owen's request, we headed to the park. Owen went to the door tonight and asked to "Go to Park?". So, I obliged. I like doing the things he asks...especially if it is a new word for him. On the way, we ran into Mimi and the little girl she keeps after school. Owen had so much fun playing with Kaitlyn again...its been awhile since he last saw her.
Owen has his first day of MDO tomorrow!!!

I hope I don't cry when I drop him off!