Sunday, June 14, 2009

Getting ready for Baby Q2....and other stuff

Today, Daddy Q spent some time in the attic pulling baby items down for us to sanitize and prepare for Q2's arrival within the next TWO WEEKS!!! I went through all of the newborn and 0 - 3 month clothing and selected gender neutral items to wash, we got the Boppy pillow out, the burp clothes, the swaddle blankets, tummy time mats, and.....the infant swing. Guess who was surprisingly happy to see that? Funny, 'cause it wasn't his favorite when he was a little guy. But, today, he wanted "more, more, more" in the infant swing.

Just 'cause I thought it would be fun...this is Owen in the same chair in March 2008....he has grown a little bit ;-) But, the facial expressions remain...Owen enjoys sitting at his table in his playroom. Sometimes we color, sometimes we play with toys, and sometimes we work puzzles. Today, we worked puzzles up there...

I think this expression is so funny. He does this a lot when he is talking and/or thinking. Here, he was thinking...
I can't believe that Q2 will be here two weeks from Monday {if not sooner}. The time has really gone by fast, until these last couple of weeks. Now, they still go by pretty fast, but I am paying very close attention to the number of days left--it is getting harder and harder to chase a toddler in the Texas heat with Q2 growing daily {or, hourly}.