Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In at attempt to tire the ornery out of him...

...we hit the pool this afternoon!
Little dude took a much needed 3 hour and 45 minute nap! I got a nice chance to re-cover from our morning during this time. After he finally woke, he got a haircut {he does so good now that he is quite the expert there}, picked up a few groceries I forgot on Sunday {pregnancy is getting to my brain}, and then headed to the pool.

Owen had a blast at the pool today! He played basketball with his ball and swim ring...fun. He also threw in his diving rings for a couple of six year old girls to dive for....fun. After an hour or so, it was dinner time, so we headed home.

At home, we ran into our neighbors who oiled the squeaky wagon tire, killed my wasps, and then invited us in for dinner! It was so nice of them. A bonus was that Owen was his sweet self for another hour or so--the orneriness is a special thing for me, I think ;-)

So, finally at 9:15, he is in bed. I hope that little man wakes up un-ornery tomorrow!


shanon said...

Owen has the best expressions...so cute! I hope today is better. Zach has definitely had some of those difficult days lately so I totally feel your pain.