Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mango Limeade, Friends, and His Birthday Suit...does it get any more random than this?

Yesterday morning, Owen had a playdate in the park. First stop...Sonic! Have you tried the *new Mango Limeade*, yet??? Man, it rocks the taste buds. Owen gives it two thumbs up....I know this because little man asked for "more....more....more" after every sip I let him have. I finally just gave up and let him have the rest of what was in the cup for his own little self.

or...not so "little" self. Seriously, when did he grow up on me? Look at him and N in the park yesterday...Owen is just about as big as N, now.

Can you see why that may be? I asked the boys to smile for me....N complies, and O is pre-occupied with his snacks....hmmm.

N and O are playing so well together these days that it just warms my heart. Erin and I often say that they are like brothers they seem so close. Yesterday at the park, N was making the bubble machine blow bubbles while O chased them, they played a game of catch, they chase each other, and they even sat next to each other on the play equipment for a little break. They talk to each other, even though we (including N) can't quite understand everything Owen says ;-) But, sometimes it seems like N is the spokesperson for the two of them. He and Owen will be playing, and then he will come up to Erin or me with a request and O just stands by and watches...its like they "discussed it" and N is the one always voted to do the talking. Smart, since he is 6 months older and more able to do this job!! They are so funny!
Owen has the worst case of diaper rash EVER! I am so thankful that this is our first {and fingers-crossed last} time to have this. It is BAD. I almost didn't take him to Gymboree today, but decided to try it. If he was uncomfortable or not having fun, we would leave. Turns out...the worst part was the car-ride--the car seat was hard on his hiney. Poor little dude.
Gymboree moved buildings and this was our first time at the new one. The slide is in a different spot than in the old location...I guess it finally caught his attention 'cause he was on the slide this time like he is shooting baskets most other times! Today, he only shot about 10 baskets, but he was on the slide over and over and over.
Except for the few *breaks* he took to do the actual activities the teacher planned AND to row in the boat with his buddy, Parker. It looks like Parker is giving him a good 'ole talkin' to in this photo. Not sure what was going on, but their expressions and body language are kinda funny.
Owen walks the balance beams at least five times each class. He is really good on both of them and doesn't "need" help, although I always hold his hand ('cause he wants me to and that is oh so rare that I enjoy it). Today, I let go while he was on the wide one to see if he would go on his own....not so much. But, I did get a good picture of him concentrating on it!!

Last, but not least, this is a test to see how often Daddy Q reads the blog. Just kidding. But, Daddy Q will object to a naked boy pic, even if it is conservative. I mentioned diaper rash earlier in this post....did I stress how painful it appears to be! Owen cries before, during, and after every diaper change. Cried in the car. Cries when I pick him up. Cries as he potties. He is MISERABLE. So, I took advice of friends (added Maalox to Butt Paste and applied after each diaper change AND bathed him in baking soda infused water--thanks, Erin), used Dr. Smiths {and had Maalox delivered to the house} (thanks, Megan), and let him go diaper-less (thanks, Internet).
Ahh...the internet... the site I read from suggested that I lay my diaper-rash laden baby on a towel with a bed-saver underneath it....being sure to have him lift his little rear high in the air to expose it to as much air as possible. Hmmmm....I guess that is advice for mom's of babies that don't yet move. I can't imagine Owen doing this for even 2 seconds...let alone, long enough to do any good.

So, we took off the diaper and played in the backyard for two hours this afternoon. I hope the neighbors didn't mind! Owen sure didn't!

The funniest thing that happened while he played in his birthday suit was that he fell in the mulch, and landed on his hiney. It didn't bother him, but the mulch COVERED his little hiney and the back of his legs. I had the water hose occupied, so to clean him off, I held him over our fountain...it worked like a bidet....Owen and I both erupted in laughter. It was so funny!
At least it seems to have all come together and helped...no tears during bath time and the last diaper tonight.