Saturday, June 13, 2009

This ain’t my first rodeo…. wasn't my first rodeo; but, it was Owen and Daddy Q's first time to experience this. We had a rough start to the evening...they opened with fireworks, which scared Punkadoo aLOT. He didn't want to return to the suite for a while after that. Poor little guy.
He spent a lot of the time running around in the hallway with Stevie and Mimi.

Then, the rodeo clowns played baseball. Owen watched this for a bit. He also watched the calf roping and waved to all of the "bubbas" from the suite.

Stevie gave him a break from the suite and took him to walk around. They stumbled upon a pony ride. And, guess what? She got the little dude on there! Stevie's friend was with them and snapped this photo with her phone. Yay, Owen!!

I think Owen's favorite part of the rodeo was Whiplash, the Cowboy Monkey! My camera ran out of battery, so I borrowed this pic form the Whiplash's website...isn't he cute! Owen really did enjoy this part of the show!!! So did the rest of us!!

Its late or I would write more...I am tired though.
A BIG thank you to our neighbors for letting us join you and the rodeo and to Dallas Harley-Davidson for a spot in their suite! We really had fun...if only those darn fireworks hadn't set Owen off on the wrong foot ;-)