....seems to be to drive Mama Q as crazy as possible. Augh. Why is he choosing this week to push all of my buttons? Does he know that Baby Q2 is on his or her way and he is already jealous? Is it those last two teeth that still haven't broken through? Did he get too spoiled over the weekend with so much attention from the neighbors and Daddy Q?
Whatever it is...I am desperately hoping for it to end and for my sweet boy to return ASAP! Here's a sample of what the little mess has been doing the last two days {mind you, Daddy Q is out of town this week, so I have no relief either}...
Example 1: Soaked
It is no secret that Owen has "throwing" issues....he throws EVERYthing. He had really gotten a lot better and more restrained in the last couple of weeks with this. When he was done eating, instead of throwing his fork at me...he just said "Da Done!" and we cleaned up. When he was done playing with a toy, he set it down. AND...when he was done with a drink in the car, he would say "Da Done, Mama" and hand the cup back to me to put in the cupholder up front until he needed it again. NOT TODAY.
Today, he threw the cup down when he was done. "Uh, oh," says Owen. Then, not 1 minute later, he says "Bwa Bwa" {Owen for "agua"}. I respond with, "honey, you threw it on the floor and mama is driving. I can't get your agua for your right now." Owen says "Oohhh" -- a very disappointed version of "Oh". Then, he realizes I have a bottle of water in my cupholder, points to it, and says "Bwa Bwa" again. I give in....he has been playing hard at Gymboree and it is hot. So, I hand him the bottle of water. He smiles, takes a sip. Smiles again....another sip. Smiles again...another sip. Then, he hold the bottle out. I ask "Are you all done?" Nothing. We stop at a light, I turn around and ask again "Are you all done; can you give mama the bottled water?"....
...instead of complying like last-week-Owen would have; he looks straight at me, smiles, and pours 100% of the water onto himself and then says....
"Uh oh, Mama....{pause} More?"
"honey, you could have had more if you HAD NOT POURED IT ALL ON YOUR LITTLE SELF"
Example 2: Bye, Bye Ball
Owen had improved when it comes to throwing balls in the street as a game of fetch with whatever adult would run after it. I have to say that we had to loose a few balls in teaching him not to do this.... He would throw it and I would get it once and then tell him if he does it again, we have to say "bye bye" 'cause mama ain't runnin' after it.
Well....I won't name names, but little man doesn't have to say bye, bye to the balls unless he is with mama ;-)
Today, I guess he wanted to test me to see if I *remembered* that the balls stay gone if he throws them...I did.
While I was removing his soaking wet car seat cover to stick in the wash, he thought I wasn't watching him {no way, buddy}. He gets a ball, walks over to the edge of the garage, gets a seriously sly look on his face, smiles to himself, and chunks that ball as hard as he can into the alley. Then, I hear his little feet pitter patter in place and he says "uh oh. uh oh, mama. uh oh, ball." He turns to me, sees I am watching, and then....
he waves his little hand and says "bye, bye ball."
{as an aside...I did get the ball for him after he went down for a nap...but, I've put it away to give back some other time."
Grammie...when are you moving closer to us?
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