Monday, July 27, 2009

Owen's Sweet Face & Liam's Update from our Doctor Visit

I caught some fun facial expressions this afternoon while we were playing with bubbles in the house (what else do you do on a rainy day?). Thought I would share....

I LOVE this one. I have it on Facebook for friends to guess what he is, I won't spoil it by telling you here. But, how funny is this face?? And, no, he isn't eating anything sour (Val) or imitating a pig that will later become the pork he eats for dinner (Sherry)! Keep guessing! And, it isn't related to the bubbles...

Since my family is in Alaska and I can't call with an it is for you if you are able to get on the Internet like you thought... Took Liam to the doctor today to discuss his illness over the weekend. But, first, I will report that he now weighs 10 pounds 1 ounce....he has gained 3 pounds in 4 weeks! I know I can post numbers like that myself ... but, wow, little (or not so) man!!! Grammie, I did ask the doc your question, and he said to keep on feeding him!

Anyway. The cultures still aren't back, so we don't know for sure what caused him to be sick. But, it is one of two things. Either his kidneys or urinary tract are not functioning 100% and he has a Urinary Tract Infection {and, yes, the doc said he would throw up with this--seems unrelated to me, but I don't have a PhD...} OR he has Daddy Q and Owen's stomach virus. We should no for sure tomorrow.

Fam, have fun in Alaska! Wish we were there with all of you!!!