Wednesday, January 12, 2011

34 years.

Today was my birthday. I turned 34 years old today. Wow. Where has the time gone? I say that every time I mark a milestone for the boys. Today, however, is different. It's my milestone. In college, I thought very hard about my future. I decided then and there I wanted to major in something 'useful' and to build a career that was meaningful and would allow for early success with the idea that by 30 I could feel "successful" and then give myself a break to enjoy the kids I hoped to have.

I did that.

I am so thankful and totally in awe that I can say I am "living my dream". I had a full career. By 30 years old, I was in a position to lead a team of eight in a professional capacity. I loved my job. We traveled the country, working really hard for our clients, but always enjoying where we were and having fun, too.

Then, when I was 30, Owen was born. I still worked. But, I worked 'part-time'. I got the best of both worlds. Then Liam was born, and I got to take a leave of absence from work, that I am still on and enjoying. Now, I have three of the sweetest baby boys anyone could ever hope for. My husband supports me, loves me, and makes life for us all so fun. I am really living my dream.

I used to dream of what life might be like at 34. In my wildest dreams, I pictured something like the life I live. I can hardly believe it's real. I am a lucky, lucky girl.

Happy birthday to me. I am loving my "dream" and so thankful for each and every day. So thankful for Gerard, Owen, Liam, & Gavin. They are my dream and, lucky for me, they are my real life, too.

I can't imagine anything better.