Monday, January 10, 2011

Another Day of Snow!

We still had lots and lots of snow on the ground this morning and Owen wanted to get out there early to play! We bundled up both of the big boys and headed out doors early this morning.

Liam wasn't sure if he liked standing in it or not. The snow comes up to his knees, making it hard to move to well....and he likes to move! Maybe gloves would help...that way if he fell his little hands wouldn't freeze. Note to the boys some heavy gloves!
They took their bull dozers out there and got to work.
Last year, Owen did not like standing/walking in the snow one bit! It was fun to see him wonder around in it this year.
The snow play lasted about 10 minutes, then we headed back indoors. All morning, the boys played so well together. I love, love, love how they are playing together right now.
Owen's imagination is soaring, and he creates games for he and Liam to play. Often, they are going to work somewhere. They pack their work bags and head far the destination is often the hospital....little doctors?! This morning, they "worked" at the tool bench.
And yes, Gavin is here, too! Didn't take him out in the snow; but, he has benefited from our lazy snow days! Lots of cuddles from his brothers....
It's so hard to get a good one of all three boys ;-) The better one was blurry. Boo. But, you can still see how cute they are, can't you??
Hopefully school won't be canceled boys and I are having fun, but I think leaving the house might do us all some good ;-)