Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just the Stats

WARNING: I am bragging on my boys a lot here...if you don't care to read it, just skip this post ;-)

So...well visits for everyone were had this morning... here is where the boys stand (literally--ha):

Owen: 37 inches tall (31%) and 29 pounds (21%)
Doc was impressed with Owen's communications skills. He said "Not to boost your ego, but these boys are really smart. That is good; but, do know it comes with it's challenges." I's like he was at our house Monday night. Ha!

Liam: 32 inches tall (39%) and 24.3 pounds (27%) and his head is in the 63%--wow!
Doc said that if little man can tell me "poop" I can start potty training. He remarked, again, at how advanced Liam's verbal skills were. That made me so happy as I had been kind of worried...until last week, just about every word sounded the same and I didn't see he was adding many new ones. Now...its 2-4 new words/day!! As for the potty training, well, that's good to hear; but, I think we will wait a few months. I have my hands a little full at the moment ;-) Liam also got the "all clear" to move into a big boy bed. Owen seemed very excited by that and told the Doctor about their beds!

drum roll, please....

Gavin: 7 pounds 14 ounces!! Whoo! What a hungry hippo!!! Gavin just got weighed...more info on him next month at his next official well visit.