Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Baby Liam is Getting SO BIG

Yesterday, Liam woke up with a stinky diaper, which led to a rough case of diaper rash. Poor little guy. He is walking around like he just rode bareback through the Rocky Mountains. To help the fella out, I put him in big boy underwear yesterday. I thought the air on his hiney would help.

Every so often, he would go to the potty. I was sitting in there with him to keep him company until he was successful, when Owen stepped in and asked to take over "sitting with Wiam." Owen was telling Liam all about the joys of wearing big boy underwear. Liam was fully engaged in the conversation.
Owen: "Wook, Wiam. You can eben get underwears wif Buzz and Woody on the back. "
Liam: "Oh, wow. Cool." For real. He said that.

The mentor and his apprentice.
A random picture of a Cheetos-covered Owen with his not-so-little-anymore-little-brother, Gavin.
Isn't Liam precious in big boy underwear? He could model for Calvin Klein. It almost makes me want to potty train him...just to see his tiny hiney and chubby legs walk around the house like this. Precious.
"Baby" Liam drinking from his big boy cup. He has the drinking part mastered....just tends to tip the cup over while digging into his dinner every now and then. But, that's how they learn, right? Oy.
I ordered these super, super cute bath towels on Etsy for the boys. I am going to do their bathroom in Dinosaurs (now that I know I have 3 boys and no little girls in this house...it's all boy upstairs!). Owen LOVES to play dino after bath and ROOAAWWWRRR.

He encourages Liam to do the same. But, Liam has found he gets more laughs by dropping the towel and running around in his birthday suit.

What a cutie pie.
We got the bed rail all fixed up, so Liam is in his Big Brother bed tonight. He is SOOOO happy!!!
Both my big boys in their shared room at bed time tonight.
I thought Owen grew up fast. And, I believe that he has a big personality. But, something tells me I "ain't seen nothin' yet."
Yup. Baby Liam is getting SO BIG!