Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Pwedge Awegance...

Somehow this morning, I managed to get all three boys ready 30 minutes before we have to leave the house to get Owen and Liam to preschool. Took a few of those minutes to try and get a shot of my three boys together... Not the best...but, it serves the purpose of capturing their sweet little selves this morning!

Now, for the real purpose of the post!!

Neither Owen or Liam talk much about their days at school. Liam for obvious reasons...he just doesn't have the vocabulary yet. Owen, however, I would think would tell me all about it. The kid is a chatter box. But, instead, he just answers the questions I ask without embellishment. He will, sometimes, tell me all about something that someone did to get in trouble. Oy. And, he does LOVE to share his craft with me, Liam, and Gavin. In fact, that is my favorite post-school activity with them. Owen gets his craft out of his backpack, encourages Liam to do the same, we ooh and ahh over both and then hang them on the wall in the playroom. It dawned on me that if I knew more "insight" of what happens in his day, he may talk more. So, I recently asked his teacher to write on his take home sheet what job he held for the day in school. That way, I have something to ask him about that is a little different that my ordiary banter. So far, he has been line leader, snack helper (his favorite--talked a lot about this job), and the caboose (which he really didn't want to talk much about--I don't blame him. Not the best job, huh.).

Well, on Tuesday, Valerie and I had the kids at Gymboree. That day, Emma had been the flag holder. Valerie asked her about it and discovered they say the Pledge of Allegiance every day in school and that our kiddos know it. She got a cute video of Emma that night. Well, I copy-catted and here's Owen reciting the Pledge. A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. Excuse the spaghetti on his face. Oh, and the rest of the video....just a little insight to dinner time at our house. Lindsay have this to look forward to ;-)


Lindsey Goodwin said...

Love it! They crack me up!