Saturday, January 8, 2011

It digs to be 3!

On Tuesday (his actual birthday), I surprised Owen with a few winter-themed cupcakes and some balloons. He was in birthday heaven!

he opened his gifts while Pa and Grammie watched on Skype. Liam got really into showing them what Owen was getting. Too funny!
Owen LOVED his Buzz Lightyear.

Owen really enjoyed our little party at the house. We ordered pizza, opened gifts, and ate cake. He was happy as could be!
Today, we had a construction themed party for him at Gymboree! I did these hats for the guests to wear as they ate cake. I thought they were so cute and I think the highlight for me was that the kids did, in fact, wear them--you'll see in a minute.
Owen's favorite part was this cake. The original cake didn't happen as the cake lady I booked seems to have completely forgotten her, I ordered this from Market Street. Not as cute as the one I originally ordered; but super yummy and exactly what Owen wanted! That's what counts, right? And, it was 1/4th the price!!
Miss Linda created a lot of construction themed games for the kids. One of them was this one...where they were a bull dozer. Liam was first to give it a try and then Owen came over to do it, too.
The bubbles were probably owen's very favorite part (well, other than the cake).
Cake Time!!
Owen got a big boy bike from a few of his friends. He just hopped on and took off around the house. He has been riding all night! am too tired to say any more ;-) Maybe one day, when I've had more sleep, I will come back and add more pictures and write more about his birthday. In the meantime, consider the birthday blogged ;-)