Sunday, January 23, 2011

Busy Baby Boys

Phew! Three boys ages three and under sure do make for a busy household! Here's what they are each up to....

Gavin is already 7 weeks old. Where does the time go! He coos and gurgles and makes other sweet little baby noises. He has opened his fists and started grabbing for his toys. When he bats one that jingles, his little legs kick in delight.
He enjoys tummy time and is getting really, really good at lifting his little head up. He won't just lay flat against me anymore unless he is really tired. He likes to look around and see what's up.

Liam is 18 months old going on 3 years old. Anything brother can do, he can do, too. Well...except for walk in his boots. Oh my word. If there is something that Owen does that Liam cannot, in fact, do, little man gets M.A.D. We are transitioning him to what we call his "Big Brother Bed." It's going well...I need to get the side rail on better as poor guy slipped through it last night.

Owen is 3 years old going on 30. He is my little helper, Liam's best friend, and Gavin's great big Owen. If Gavin is playing on his mat, Owen is, too. He will read to him, talk to him, jingle toys for him. You name it, Owen does it. When Gavin starts to cry, Owen makes sure I know that his baby is hungry. Owen has also started making up games, which he includes Liam in. Friday, for example, Owen had the three of us in the closet hiding from ghosts. fun times.
The other day Gavin was happily swinging, and Owen and Liam were watching Dora. Owen realized that Gavin couldn't see from where he was and set out to move him....
When it got tough, he called in reinforcement..."Wiam, WIAM! Come hewp me!!."

Of course, Wiam came to hewp him and before long, Gavin was watching Dora, too.