Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Littles

Just a little post of a couple of things the little brothers have been up to. Gavin has started enjoying some play time each day. It's funny, since he is still so small, I don't expect him to do anything but eat and sleep. However, he has other plans.

Gavin has started spending a lot of time awake these days. Sometimes he will stay awake for a couple of hours. I laid him on the exercise mat the other day in an effort to humor Owen who wanted Gavin to play.

But, low and behold, Gavin seemed to get into it. So, I have been letting him "play" on it some now when he is awake. I think he can see the toys, and I think he is trying to work out just how he might grab at one. Maybe I need to move them closer so he has a shot at success...

The other "little" has been really testing his boundaries and mamma's limits. Early last week, he was wanting to land himself in time out. I can't remember now what he did; but, I remember that I gave him a warning. Instead, he went straight to our kitchen time out spot, sat down, and worked really, really, really hard to start crying. What a little actor.
Should I go on and call Hollywood and tell them about him? Ha!