Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Owen @ 3 Years Old

Happy Birthday to "Big Owen"! Three years old. Wow! In his words, he is a "great big boy" now. I have to say that I agree... *sniff, sniff *

Owen is happy,smart, stubborn, organized, funny, athletic, and cuddly. He loves to run "weally fast" and jump off just about anything that mom will agree to (he does ask if he could get hurt before trying to, say, jump over the last 4 stairs in the stair well--a trick he is well accomplished at).
He is a teacher to his younger brothers. He absolutely loves this role. "Wet me show wou, Wiam." is something I hear quite a lot from him. In between teaching the middle brother super fun things,
and cuddling with the little brother,
he truly enjoys helping his momma out. Owen loves to do adult activities like grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry. He gets a kick out of being useful. I sure do appreciate that!! What I appreciate almost even more, is his "adult" speak. Some examples....
Just the other day, when I was leaving to run errands, Owen said "Mom, I sure would like to come with you." Ha!
This morning, he was looking at all of the profile pictures on facebook of those wishing him a happy birthday. He saw my profile, and said "Oh...you used a picture of you holding your three boys. Cute, mom." Really?
Owen loves doing things to share with others. He really enjoyed making cookies to take to school today to celebrate his day with his friends. He wanted to carry the cookies into school. When we got to the door, he excitedly told the first friend he saw about the cookies he made to share. Love this little guy.
Owen is such a fun guy to have around. He is a great big brother. A kind friend. And, a loving son.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Buddy!