Monday, January 3, 2011

Liam @ 18 Months

Oh my sweet, sweet Liam. I cannot believe he is 18 months already. He turned 18 months on Dec 29th; but, with all of our company....ahem, I guess I should face it....probably has more to do with all of our KIDS....I haven't gotten pictures of the little guy yet to mark this milestone. Oy At least I captured him with my camera today. And he is only 18 months at 5 days -- not too shabby for a busy mamma!!

Liam has the absolute BEST personality right now. He is so funny. So sweet. So busy.

Last week, he and I were in the play room with Gavin. Liam was playing with Thomas the Train. He would push the train down the hill and squeal in delight. Then, he came over to Gavin, handed Gavin the train and said "share." Then after an appropriate amount of time, he would take the train back, clap at himself for sharing, and then run the train down the slope again. that is the epitome of Liam. He is a quick learner and a sweet-natured boy.
On the other hand, when he plays with Owen....he has definitely learned the ever powerful "MINE." He holds on tight to his toy, says "mine", and moves his little body over the toy to keep it from the preying Owen. I think its funny; although his teachers at Mother's Day Out may not agree.
Liam loves to sing Old McDonald. He loves his bath time. He has turned into the greatest napper of all time--some of them clocking 4+ hours--and he will sleep all night to boot. Liam can do just about anything his big brother can do so long as he is tall enough. He is just an all-around fun little guy. LOVE him!

Happy *belated* 18 month birthday, sweet boy!!