Saturday, January 15, 2011


sometimes, it's the paci Gavin needs to get settled and to sleep....
sometimes, though, he finds his fingers and they do the trick.

this leaves me wondering if I have a Mini-Owen or a Mini-Liam on my hands....

In other exciting-for-a-mom news...Liam went potty in the potty yesterday. Holy Smokes! He is only 18.5 months old!! He was eating lunch and told Lina "poop." I walked in the room, he said it again. I checked his britches and saw that he hadn't pooped yet, so I took him to the potty. I tried sitting him backwards the way Owen goes's way less messy than the potty seat. Liam didn't like that. So, Owen found his old potty seat under the sink, stuck it on the potty, and said to Liam, "Wiam, dis is what I used to learn to potty." Liam sat on it, Owen showed him where to hold on and then told him what to do next..."push." So FUNNY! I got the camera cause I thought it was so funny. In the meantime, I hear Owen tell him "good job, Wiam" and they flush the potty. I asked if he really went, and Owen said he did. Liam didn't seem finished, though, so I sat there with him. He went some more and I got to see proof. Oh my word! Go Liam!!
Liam was so happy and proud of himself. He did a happy little potty dance and kept returning to the bathroom to dance some more even hours later. So cute! I do not intend to start potty training him, yet. He is too little, me thinks ;-) I have decided that when he says he needs to go, I will take him and he will get tons of praise for it. But, until he either really shows that's what he wants to do or he is two years old, it will just be for "fun". Can't believe I am referring to anything potty-related as "fun"... Oy!
What has motherhood done to me?